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We are so glad you are here!  It is our goal to honor Christ by coming alongside our clients with caring hearts. We have professionally trained counselors who are ready to provide you with the help you need. Read on to learn more about the process of becoming a client of McGuire Christian Counseling.

MCC New Client Intake Process

Complete the
New Client Form

Complete the new client form on the new client's tab of our website. 

Initial Client Paperwork

The client will receive an email from the Therapy Portal with new client paperwork to complete. Paperwork must be completed in order to move on in the process.

Insurance Benefits Check

MCC verifies insurance benefit information. 

Waiting List

The client is added to the therapist's waiting list. 

Schedule An Appointment

A therapist will contact the client to set up an appointment. 

Our office will be closed, Friday July 26 - Friday, August 2.
All calls, messages, and new client forms received during this time will be returned on Monday, August 5.

Get Started with us today!

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Glorifying Christ Through Superior Christian Counseling

McGuire Christian Counseling

636 W. Republic Road, C-116

Springfield, MO 65807


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